About Us

Who we are

eLearnTool eLearning Solution has worked to make video courses the easiest and most efficient, while making them cheaper. To create an environment where everyone can earn a profit by raising their know-how to the course, we've enabled you to run your own completed homepage by paying a fixed monthly fee so that you can start the operation right away without the expense of making a homepage that will initially cost you money.

In addition, we have a system that allows users to easily modify homepage components such as company introduction and main image, including logos. In addition, to reduce the cost of most expensive video traffic, we've been able to connect to overseas video service site, Vimeo, to provide video courses. Members and consumers may see it on their homepages, but the video is posted on "Vimeo" to offer video courses at a fraction of the cost of local video streaming services.

An environment where anyone can get their own ideas and generate revenue! We'll make it.